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Livros World's Last Change - Coleção completa 4 volumes

15 de dezembro de 2010

 Livros importados. Coleção completa - 4 Volumes + Caixa para guardar os livros.
Idioma: Inglês.
Livros novos.

Coleção com 4 Volumes
 The Desire of Ages (528 pages).

Experts in the field unanimously agree that this is the best biography ever written on the life of Yahushua. The books starts with His birth, takes you through His childhood, His ministry, the judgement hall, the crucifixion, resurrection, and ends with Yahushua's ascension to heaven.
Here is an excerpt from the book that describes what Yahushua went through, "Satan with his fierce temptations wrung the heart of Yahushua. The Savior could not see through the portals of the tomb. Hope did not present to Him His coming forth from the grave a conqueror, or tell Him of the Father's acceptance of the sacrifice. He feared that sin was so offensive to ...[Yahuwah] that Their separation was to be eternal. ...[Yahushua] felt the anguish which the sinner will feel when mercy shall no longer plead for the guilty race." Desire of Ages, page 753.Yahushuat's ascension to heaven is beautifully described as this: "With hands outstretched in blessing, and as if in assurance of His protecting care, He slowly ascended from among them, drawn heavenward by a power stronger than any earthly attraction. As He passed upward, the awe-stricken disciples looked with straining eyes for the last glimpse of their ascending Lord. A cloud of glory hid Him from their sight; and the words came back to them as the cloudy chariot of angels received Him, "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." Desire of Ages, page 831

Preço em Dólar: $11.99.

In the Beginning (591 pages).

How exactly did the universe begin? Who was Satan and why did he rebel? Why do bad things happen to good people? If Yahuwah is good why doesn't He prevent sadness and heartbreak? These question and many more and answered with remarkable decisiveness.
Evil, you will discover as you read these pages, didn't even begin here on Earth. It is an unwelcome import from another part of the universe.
Few people today realize that the evil around us is visible evidence of a great war that has raged in the universes for thousands of years now. In the Beginning is one of the only books available anywhere in print that can reveal with accuracy and authority just how and why this great war began and who is behind it.
Preço em Dólar: $11.99.

The Last Call (440 pages).

It is the most important book you will ever read after the Bible. The world is on a verge of a stupendous crisis. Here is the authoritative answer to the confusion and despair of this tense age. Revealing Yahuwah's ultimate plan for mankind. This book begins from where the Bible left off and takes you through history. Then finally pulls back the curtain on the future to show how it will finally end.
What The Last Call sees coming is not based on guesswork. It is based on a source of predictions which has never yet missed in its prophecies.
Few people alive today realize that this earth is the primary battle zone of the war. And few still know why the war is being fought and how and when it will end. After reading this book - you'll be one of them.
Preço em Dólar:  $11.99.
Heaven's Healing (48 pages).

It shares the only way to obtain Yahuwah's healing. It's a holistic, practical and comprehensive nutshell on how to get well and stay brimming with health and energy. You will be delighted to discover that Yahuwah often uses the simplest methods to bring about miraculous results. The principles in this book are indispensable if you want to get better and stay better. Heaven's Healing will save you and your family time, money and may be even your life.
Preço em Dólar: $5.99.

Coleção de Livros " World's Last Change" 
4 Volumes - Livros novos e importados
R$ 50,00
by Aicitelks®

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